So far we've discussed the key elements of creating a business:It is up to you, and only you, to make a change in your life.Be an innovator, not an inventor.Develop a product that fixes a problem. ...
Category: Business
When I was the President and CEO of Te am ITG I thought I'd never work anywhere else. We raised venture capital, we were growing rapidly, we were profitable and I was having a lot of fun running the...
I enjoy meeting with people and helping them develop their business concepts. I tend to relate what they are trying to do with my various life experiences. When I do this, however, it is inevitable...
Have you ever seen a sign that says something like “If you have nothing to do, don’t do it here?” The underlying message meaning do not loiter.If you analyze this expression, it does make...
This may sound overly simplistic, but the secret of success is to find what you love to do -- and do it! I'm not necessarily talking about doing what you do at your current job or limiting yourself...
My name is Jim Kerr. Many of my friends and colleagues affectionately call me a "Serial Entrepreneur" because I have built several early-stage businesses into notable firms including and...